A Day to pay respect!

Fifteen years ago today I lost several good friends and former colleagues.

They were working in New York in a Building I had visited just 2 weeks before 11/9/2001

2996 people died that day, over 6,000 were injured and the lives of millions were affected for ever.

For what?, the glorification of an evil and satanic aim and the oppression of freedom and decency.

I will never forget my friends and colleagues, nor will I ever forget going back to New York a few weeks later to see a City still covered in dust.

The smoke was still rising from the rubble and the Fire and Police Stations on every Precinct were empty and in mourning

That day made New York a greater and a better place as it ensured that its people rallied together more than ever before.

You see, good will always overcome evil and evil will never succeed!

So today, I make no apologies for remembering and respecting my friends and brave people I will never know who died protecting good!